Our Re-Boot Course is for the committed creative ready for the next best version of their creative life.
Whether you have chosen a career in the arts or you want to ignite your creative life because it is important to you, this is for you.
This course is for you if you’re:
Burnt out and uninspired
Feeling Stuck or stagnant
Tired of working so hard and settling for mediocre results
Still feeling adrift/unmoored post Covid
Coming back to your creative career after a break
In a career you don't feel allows for your creative self and want to connect again
Wanting to get re-connected to yourself and to a like-minded community
Feeling like you have changed and want to get clear about your values and vision now
Feeling connected creatively and want more
Yes. We will meet weekly on Zoom for six weeks. Classes will be recorded. We understand life happens, and you may have to miss a class or two. We do however recommend coming live weekly to get the most out of the class. You will receive email prompts weekly, and you will have an accountability partner.
Here’s a glimpse of some of what you will gain in the course:
Clarity about who you are now in relation to your creative life/ what matters to you
Clarity on your values and vision
Deeper roots into what you care about
The ability to ACT in alignment with what really matters to you
Rediscovering and igniting your JOY
Clarity about your creative “special sauce”
Clarity about what’s next for you
Clarity about what support you need to take action
Specific techniques and exercises you can do forever to connect you to your creative self
A powerful community of like-minded humans and benefit from what that makes possible
When you sign up for our classes, please keep in mind that all payments are final and cannot be refunded or transferred less than two weeks from the start date. If you need to withdraw from the class, please let us know in writing more than two weeks beforehand at office@thecreativecollectivestudios.com.
A $200 deposit is required at the time of reservation, with the remaining tuition due by the first day of class. Unless, you have a payment plan in place.
Deposits is non-refundable or transferable if cancellation is two weeks or less before the start date of class. Unless you have a payment plan in place. See below for payment plans.
Not for this course at this time.
Yes. We offer payments plans with a pre-agreed upon payment schedule and method of payment. We do not want finances to hold you back. Reach out to us at office@thecreativecollectivestudios.com
If you anticipate being late or absent, kindly send an email to office@thecreativecollectivestudios.com. Classes will be recorded. We understand life happens, and you may have to miss a class or two. We do however recommend coming live weekly to get the most out of the class.
Should you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to contact us through office@thecreativecollectivestudios.com.